SCL is the leader in the hardcoating equipments dedicated to the opthtalmic industry, with a broad portfolio of machines and processes, fitting to a small or large size production (60 to 2000L/8h).
SCL experience is based on developing and building sophisticated hard coating systems by dipping or flow coating for over 29 years.
The innovation and a responsive service team make possible to design automatic fully customizable machines at competitive prices.
SCL hardcoating machines are equipped with a smooth dipping system providing no vibrations, a laminar flow and an air exhaust module, a water cascading and a filtration system to save water, Ultrasonic systems to properly etch lens surface.
Optional automatic systems to guarantee the production, the operator safety and comfort can be offered (automatic varnish and solvent refilling to guarantee a stable process, intermittent city water rinsing to be environmently friendly…).
At SCL we never compromise on :
- The Quality of our equipment
- Our machine CE and ATEX Compliance for operator safety
- Safeguarding your name
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